How spirituality can help you live a more fulfilling life.

What comes to your mind when you hear about spirituality?

When I first heard the phrase “spirituality”, I thought that it was something religious. As an atheist, I was never really fascinated. However, as I began to learn and practice, I realized it was beyond what words could explain. What a blissful feeling it’s been amidst all the chaos I was experiencing. Speaking of which, I want to inform you that. I’ve struggled just the way you are struggling right now. A phase of darkness is what leads you to the development of a spiritual being but only if you have the diligence and courage to overcome it as I have.

“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, man cannot live without a spiritual life.” a beautiful quote by Buddha.

You can accomplish it too, I’m sure of it!

Are you wondering how?

I’ll guide you throughout the journey.

1. Practice Gratitude

This is the most important step. It does not require much work, you just have to be grateful for every little thing in your life.

I began by maintaining a gratitude journal. The the first thing I did when I woke up in the morning was to write down any 10 things I’m grateful for. Starting with 21 days to make it a habit, it’s more than a year and I’ve been doing it ever since. I have noticed a significant shift in myself.

In this life’s everyday hustle, we have forgotten to be grateful for everything we’ve been given.

2. Daily meditation

Meditation brings out stillness, calmness, and balance in our minds. It allows you to see the world from an entirely different perspective. Meditating is simply staying still and experiencing all emotions.

It can help you cure anxiety, depression, heart disease, insomnia, cancer, and a variety of conditions. There are many techniques and practices in meditation.

“The thing about meditation is: you become more and more you.” by David Lynch

You can refer to “Headspace” for guided meditation.

3. Let go of everything

Letting go of the baggage you carry inside and making peace with it. it’s a process of releasing emotional traumas, and attachments and controlling your mind to be free from things that no longer serve you or hold any value. Carrying things inside causes overthinking and overstress which can lead to mental trauma, anxiety, and issues like depression.

Problems are nothing but illusions of the mind. Accept and let go of things that bother you and hinder your personal growth. Just surrender it to the universe. Transform your suffering into peace by letting go.

4. Get out in nature

They say nature is the best medicine, it heals everything. Connecting to nature is connecting to your inner self. The amount of peace and calmness it gives is immense. It helps you overcome your insecurities, fears, and pain. You become more intuitive when you spend time in nature. it keeps you grounded and makes you believe that there is something bigger than you.

Try to take a step out and spend some time in nature.

5. Find a purpose and serve others

Finding a purpose could be anything. Do you wake up every day wondering what your purpose is for the day or your life? If not then you should find a purpose in life that aligns with you, your time, your work, your money, and many such things. And a purpose that fits your lifestyle. Good deeds always bring joy and happiness in a way nothing can ever fulfill.

When it comes to satisfaction, Not a single achievement in life can be compared to serving the one in need, that’s a whole different level of satisfaction.

You’ll never know unless you try.

6. Mindfulness

We in today’s generation are so mentally disturbed by work, past traumas, relationships, financial issues, and so many things. Mindfulness is a state where you have to be mentally and physically present in the moment and be aware.

Mindful meditations help you release stress. Helps in boosting memory, and allows you to focus on every aspect of your life. Helps you build good relations at work and in your personal life.

There are numerous techniques like breathing in and out exercises. Staring, concentrating, and focusing all your attention on a candle flame or any object that helps you. Or to listen to any guided meditations online.

I am not stating that people who are not spiritually inclined do not have any purpose in life or they are not happy in life, they probably are. However, they have a different perspective compared to the ones who are and it also helps you live a life with utmost fulfillment.

You’ll never know when it’s the right time to follow your spiritual growth when nothing else will matter to you as much as you.

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